Tuesday, January 22, 2013

       So many people who are clueless. o_o

 Ima just show you this one... In pictures...                               

I hate when people say this, Its one of the things that annoy me the most 4TH EBST FRIEND PEOPLE!                 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

                      MSP really needs to change.. -.-
Msp. CHANGE BACK THE ANYTHING FORUMS NOW. Your ruining my life, and many others, Anything forums were bettter than any other forum that were gray... Because we were a great family, and you took it away from us. -_- Your becoming very annoying, and making MSP users quit because of that update, hope your happy! Now I'm gonna show you some of teh many many artbooks made by anythng forumers saying that they really want Anything roums back and ARE SUPER SERIOUS. 

Please not that to read these you have to click on them to get them big enough >><

Monday, January 7, 2013

                           You know rockondude12345 right? Well thats my username .__. Well I deleted it because of bullies and drama. And will be back on the same name maybe as a level 12. I was on Canadian MSP as: Me&You and was on the SECOND PAGE OF HIGHSCORES! I felt special. ^.^
So I wanted to start a new life there. So far I'm loving it. But I am missing my friends from USA MSP. Good news is a lot of people are joining Canadian MSP. A lot from my friends list. WHICH IS SO SPECIAL TO ME. O_O Love you all and I was getting worried about it too. .__. I will be coming back on the same user as maybe a level 12 as I said in the beginning. If your GrannyMaLovesU or something like that just leave this. I'm done with you and don't want anymore trouble from you. I quit because of you. And I plan on never talking to you ever again. But next I would like to talk about my bestest friend in the whole world, Kendall! Kendall has been there from the start the bullying thing went horrible and was bringing me down. I'm happy and lucky to be her 4th bestie.... Or at least used to be. .__. But on Canadian MSP she was my first Best Friend choice (y) Ty Kendall. Bye! Love Rocky♥♥♥