Monday, December 31, 2012

I love this font O_O But that's not the topic... O_O The real topic: FORUMS ABOUT ANON!
   You should all know that Anon stands for Anonymous.**DUN DUN DUN** O_O Well today, some girl with a One Direction username ~(O_O)~ Posted a forum to stop Anonymous x_x I read her paragraph and commented "ANON ISN'T REAL." (With another angry paragraph about how Anon isn't real.) But all of those other forumers were on her side D:< I was a fluffin loner -__- Until some girl name Pandas9 (something like that) told that girl that Anon wasn't real. I was so happy o_o BUT THEY STILL WOULDN'T LISTEN -_- Until some other gals came and explained everything. Idk what's going on know since my MSP WON'T FRIGGIN WORK O__O Kk byee .__.

   **Kendall Was Here** <-- I don't like that trade mark O_O Whatever XD

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