Monday, December 31, 2012

Rocky Don't Quit
  I know this has nothing to do this my last post, but here goes: ROCKY WANTS TO QUIT!!! :'(  NO NO NO NO!! She is the BEST BESTIE I could ever have. :( Last night I started crying when Rocky said that. :( I couldn't stop so I made myself listen to sad songs to get rid of all my tears. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO SAY: "Oh boo-hoo! Go cry yourself a river and GET OVER IT!!" -_- But I won't. Rocky is the sweetest and nicest girl I know on MSP. :( For a short time, Rocky and I weren't besties (for bullying reasons) and I was upset. But soon we came back as besties again. I CAN'T BE SEPARATED FROM HER AGAIN! :'(  Please tell Rocky not to quit. I'll die if she does :'(

  **Kendall Was Here**

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