Sunday, December 2, 2012

      Once Again ze Pemcorgi Impresses Me O_O
Well hi there! O_O I am Kendall, co-author of this Blog :) SO... once again Pemcorgi of MSP impresses me. (You can tell from the title O3O) But... Pemcorgi said that whenever someone watched ten of her SM's that she would hand out Wishies to those people. And boy did she keep that promise O_O There were so many people on her wall saying things like this: "I watched 10 of your SM's!" or "Thanks for the wishies!" 

     And I was one of  those people O.O I watched her SM's 1-184 O.O And she gave me a wl O_O So... this concludes: PEMCORGI IS AWESOME

   ♥ Kendall ♥ :) I would add a picture but I don't have one D:<

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